News & Views 1 minute 03 October 2016

And the New Stars for the 2017 Michelin Guide UK and Ireland Are...

The Fat Duck regains its three-star status, London's oldest Indian restaurant receives its first star, and Ramsay protégé Clare Smyth receives first-ever Michelin Female Chef award

The Michelin Guide for Great Britain and Ireland 2017 has been released, with 20 restaurants receiving new stars at Michelin's first-ever live broadcast event for the two territories.

(Related:  Behind The Scenes At The 2016 Michelin Guide Singapore Awards cum Gala Dinner)

In total, the guide recognised four three-starred establishments, 21 two-starred restaurants, and 147 one-starred restaurants. Among 19 restaurants to be anointed with their first star are The Ritz restaurant, a dining landmark in London, and Veeraswamy, the city's oldest Indian restaurant. Both restaurants have a combined 200 years of history behind them. The Michelin Guide's UK editor, Rebecca Burr, commented: "These establishments have long and illustrious histories, but the cooking at both has never been better than it is today." The Raby Hunt in Darlington is the 2017 guide's only new two-starred restaurant.

Heston Blumenthal's The Fat Duck in Bray has regained its three star status after being ineligible last year due to their temporary closure and relocation to Australia. Dinner by Heston Blumenthal retained its two-star rating, along with popular favourites Le Gavroche, Araki, and The Ledbury.

(Related: The First Day I Got My Michelin Stars - The Fat Duck Group's Ashley Palmer-Watts)

Michelin also announced some special recognition awards for the first time: the Michelin Welcome and Service Award went to Peel’s restaurant at Hampton Manor, which also received its first star, and a Michelin Female Chef Award went to Clare Smyth. 

Smyth was the head chef of Restaurant Gordon Ramsay on Royal Hospital Road - which retained its three-star status in this edition - for close to a decade before leaving this year to launch her own venture in Notting Hill. Nine restaurants that retained stars even though they had a change of head chef were also celebrated in a first by Michelin.

See the full list of the 2017 Michelin Guide UK and Ireland below:

The Michelin Guide 2017 UK Awards List by Daniela Galarza on Scribd

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